As the number of residential fire sprinkler systems in the country continues to grow, fire service leaders need to ensure that our fire officers and firefighters have the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to work with these systems to effectively ensure extinguishment of the fire and effectively address property conservation, the third incident priority.
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Fire Porn and Fire Service Public Image
Picture if you will the L. A. Police Department posting images and videos of the Rodney King incident. Or maybe imagine FEMA sporting "EMA porn" taken during Katrina in New Orleans on their website. Now imagine the public outcry that would occur if say LAPD made a music video out of the Rodney King beating with the soundtrack of Pat Benatar singing Hit me with your best shot or FEMA posting a video of the Katrina disaster images to the soundtrack of Scorpions singing Rock you like a hurricane. Two very extreme examples I admit, but just as questionable. In both cases, someone would end up with an express ticket to the unemployment line.
Read More »Revisiting: “Thinking Outside the Box” for Fire Protection in the USA
Sound rather harsh? Sound unrealistic? So does closing fire stations and laying off firefighters. So does continuing to expose firefighters to increasing levels of risk of injury or death because of negligence on the part of building occupants, developers, and builders. So does continuing to increase the fiscal burden to local taxpayers to pay for an antiquated fire protection model that is reactive rather than proactive.
Read More »Fire and Injury Prevention for the Communities We Serve: A New Way
We’ve not had a significant impact on preventable fires with our current methodologies. To paraphrase a popular management mantra for change these days, “What got you here, won’t get you there.”
Read More »Tampa II: Food-for-Thought 4 “Get Away Day”
I'm confident that the issue of fire prevention has been discussed at length as it should be: if no fire occurs or it's extinguished by an installed fire sprinkler no firefighter need be injured or killed in the line-of-duty. So here's my blog repost for your and those folks at Tampa 2 on "get away day", Children Don’t Cause Fires, Adults Do
Read More »Reader Comments: Children Don’t Cause Fires, Adults Do
We focus on the young likely because its easy. But, what we Fire Prevention Demoprovide in education is often lost in an overriding effort to entertain them. Further, without reinforcement of the fire safe/prevention message in their home environment, any value is soon lost to the parent's daily example/attitudes towards fire safety.
Read More »Fire Prevention Isn’t Just for Everyone Else
Fire department leaders owe it to their members and their communities to OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAensure that the department’s physical facilities have the appropriate installed fire protection, e.g., fire sprinkler systems, undergo the same inspections for potential fire hazards that they expect from the public they serve.
Read More »Children Don’t Cause Fires, Adults Do
The behaviors of adults in the USA account for 78 percent of the preventable residential fires. So why do the vast majority of fire prevention educations that Fire and EMS departments deliver each year target children? If we’re looking to significantly reduce the following types of fires, why don’t our programs focus on adult behaviors?
Read More »The Year in Review: Top 10 Most Viewed Posts
Over the course of the last year, I’ve attempted to provide you—the readers of this blog—with a wide variety of subjects for you consideration and thought. So here are the ten most viewed posts for 2013.
Read More »Businesses and Fire
I think the topic of what the REAL impact of a fire WILL be on even a large business, but particularly a small business, is vastly understated in our business. I heard a statistic early in my career that has always stuck with me--70 percent of businesses will either never reopen, or will fail within 5 years.
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