Customer Service is Alive and Well

By:  Robert Avsec

Sometimes, not often enough these days it seems, I’m “blown away” by the LED light system turns night into daycustomer service that I receive.  So this “special” post is because IT HAPPENED to me and I want to share it with you.  (If you’re in the market to purchase emergency scene lighting equipment or ventilation equipment for your fire department, I think you definitely want to read on).

I’m currently working on another article for for which I do freelance writing on a monthly basis.  The topic for this article is emergency scene lighting equipment, a follow-up article to a piece I did in May 2012 on the same subject.

See Related: Lighting Up the Fireground

EU1000i with standard height lightSo I’m doing my Internet research looking for sources, particularly information about pricing for various options in emergency scene lighting.  I went to the website that I’d consulted for the previous article, Ventry Solutions, Inc.

Not finding any information on pricing, I looked at their Contact page on the website.  It was about 8:15 p.m. EST where I was and I saw that Ventry was in the Pacific time zone, but that only meant it was 5:15 p.m. there and their office hours were listed as 9-5 daily.  But the website also said:

“We sometimes come in early or stay late, so call us anytime…”

Ventry Solutions, Inc. logo/homeSo I did.  And who should pick up the call?  The CEO of the company, James.  He listens to my request and tells me he will get the information I was seeking out first thing tomorrow (today).  And sure enough, this is what I received today via e-mail:

From: Joan at Ventry Solutions, Inc. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 2:05 PM
To: ‘Robert Avsec, FR1’
Subject: for your article…LENTRY Power and Light Systems

Hello Mr. Avsec,

Would you mind please replying with a quick “got it” so I know this made it to you?

James (our CEO and my big brother) gave me your message. I understand that you are working on an article for FireRescue1 and would like information on our “all-terrain” portable LENTRY® Scene Lighting Systems. I am certainly happy to oblige!

Our newest brochure (showing both product lines), our LENTRY flyer, spec sheet, and price list are attached. Anything else you might like, just ask.

LENTRY Systems are essentially a tried-n-true Honda generator with all-terrain legs (frames), a light base, and one or more telescoping lights. We partner with Akron Brass and Fire Research Corp for the lights. ABC and FRC take several of their outstanding light heads and modify the wiring, switches, poles, add guards, and do a bunch of other things for us, making the polelights we offer exclusive to Ventry Solutions, Inc. for use with LENTRY Systems. James made the first LENTRY Unit in 2004 and he just got the official patent this year by consulting lawyers from Thompson Patent Law.

FYI, James is a mechanical engineer and has been a firefighter for 20 years. My father (our company President, now retired) has been a firefighter for 25 years. And two of our 3 employees are also firefighters. I’m the Sec/Treasurer of the fire district, which doesn’t really count, but my point is that our company’s kind of unique in having insider knowledge of fire/rescue, upon which our products are based.

ANYWAY, I’d be happy to talk with you if I can be of help – perhaps I can help sort through our vast website and help you find specific info? Call anytime: 888-257-8967 or 208-773-1194 or my cell outside normal business hours is 208-691-1950.

Thank you!

Joan Rodman

Ventry Solutions, Inc.
14128 N Hauser Lake Rd, Hauser, Idaho 83854
(208) 773-1194 business | (888) 257-8967 toll-free | (208) 777-0360 fax
[email protected] |

“The bitterness of poor quality lasts long after the sweetness of low price is long forgotten.” ~ Benjamin Franklin. (account not required)

Here’s my response to Joan’s e-mail message:


Thank you so much for your prompt reply to my request for information!  All four documents, most importantly the pricing guide, received in good order.

Please convey my thanks to James as well for his kind and courteous manner in fielding the original telephone call.  I saw on your website that you folks are in the Pacific time zone (I’m in Eastern) and it was about 8:15 p.m. here…but the site said, “We sometimes come in early or stay late, so call us anytime…”

So I did, and the CEO of the company picks up my call!  Great customer service and I’m not even a “buying customer”!  I can only imagine what you folks do for the people who buy your products!

Best wishes,


Not bad, huh?

About Robert Avsec, Executive Fire Officer

Battalion Chief (Ret.) Robert Avsec served with the men and women of the Chesterfield County (VA) Fire and EMS Department for 26 years. He’s now using his acquired knowledge, skills, and experiences as a freelance writer for and as the “blogger in chief” for this blog. Chief Avsec makes his home in Charleston, WV. Contact him via e-mail, [email protected].