Fire Apparatus

NFPA’s new ambulance standard

Second, there's the increasing number of patients and EMS providers that are being killed and injured in ambulance crashes each year. Those mortality and morbidity numbers prompted the International Association of Fire Chiefs to begin working with the National Fire Protection Association in 2009 to develop a true standard for a safer ambulance. Their work culminated with the approval of NFPA 1917: Standard for Automotive Ambulances in August 2012.

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Tips for Keeping Your Apparatus and Station Secure

Not a day goes by, it seems, that we don't learn about fire and EMS apparatus being taken "for a ride" by unauthorized persons. From fire stations to emergency scenes to hospital parking lots, fire trucks and ambulances are not only being illegally taken, but also used to create general damage and mayhem before the perpetrators are apprehended.

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A case for bolted-together fire trucks

Fire apparatus designers and manufacturers are constantly in pursuit of several goals when constructing vehicles for the fire service. There are five basic goals. Manufacturers want to keep them lightweight so the truck can carry the necessary equipment and get the best fuel mileage possible. They want to make it durable so that the customer gets the maximum lifecycle out of the vehicle. They also want to make it cost-effective, easy to repair, and easy to modify so that it can fill several roles over its lifecycle. Increasingly, fire apparatus manufacturers and their customers are using bolted construction to better achieve those goals. Bolted construction for fire apparatus is not new; manufacturers like American La France began bolting or riveting vehicle components on fire apparatus in the 1920s.

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Should all fire trucks carry water?

The general public doesn't know the difference between an engine and a truck. They just know that they've called 911 to report a fire. And when that first piece of fire apparatus appears on scene, they expect that firefighters are going to start applying water to the fire. Perception is reality.

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Rebuild vs replace: firefighting brush trucks

Many areas of the country, particularly those affected by sustained drought conditions, are seeing increased use of Type III or Type VI engines, also known as the brush trucks . And when a brush truck sees service it's typically a hard run — operating in dusty and dirty conditions, over undulating terrain and in all types of vegetation can really take a toll on these vehicles.

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5 reasons to consider a modular fire truck

There are a couple of realities for fire departments when it comes to vehicles and equipment for emergency responses: fiscal resources are tight and vehicles have to be able to multi-task. Related Article: Size matters: Smaller apparatus provide function and economy Related content sponsored by: One option could be swap-body or roll-off fire apparatus. Another might be a concept used in European fire services: modular compartmentation.

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